Friday, 3 July 2015

Social Networking and Leadership

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, Tumblr ... the list goes on and on and on and on.  So what role do social networking tools play with regards to teacher leadership?

Using social networking tools in a leadership role
There are countless benefits to using social networking tools as teacher leaders, coaches, consultants etc.  Here are my "top 5" reasons for why these skills should be used at the leadership level.

5.  Cut down on costs
Social networking is FREE!  In a time where money is tight, budgets are small, and teacher release time can be limited, social networking provides opportunities for professional development without cost.  It is also a great way to "go green" by communicating in a paperless fashion and cuts down on printing/distribution costs.

4.  Easy way to learn about audience (other teachers, parents, students etc)
The majority of people are already connected to multiple social networking platforms.  Consequently, teacher leaders can use the information already available online to gain a better understanding of their audience.  They can learn about possible needs, preferences, and future opportunities just by "plugging in."

3.  Increased exposure
The more active leaders are on social media, the more likely it is that they will be noticed by the community.  As a result, leaders can effectively communicate messages, share their learning, provide challenges to other teachers, and much more just by creating an active online presence.

2.  Instant feedback
Information on the web can spread like wildfire!  What better way to get feedback than to ask a question on Facebook, make a poll on Blogger, or post a picture on Instagram to hear thoughts and opinions directly from your target audience.  This information can then be used to identify next steps that will help you as a teacher best support your peers. 

1.  More opportunities to connect
Social networking tools are invaluable for teachers who want to connect and provide leadership to peers all over the country and around the world.  Networking is so important in the 21st century and the ability to teach and learn from others is essential.  As lifelong learners, we all have the opportunity and responsibility to engage with others and help each other learn as we navigate the crazy world of social media!

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