Friday, 3 July 2015

Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ...

I must admit, I had not heard of Web 3.0 so I had to do some research.  Here is what I have found :)

Web 1.0 (think of it as a library)
-Web of information
-one-way use (go online to obtain info)
-internet as a means of information retrieval
-technology is for the "computer lab" period in school

Web 2.0 (think of it as a big group of friends)
-Web of people and social information
-internet is socially constructed
-technology is cautiously integrated into the classroom
-two-way use (go online to retrieve info and manipulate/add your own)

Web 3.0 (think of it as a personal information service)
-Semantic web of knowledge
-contextually reinvented
-technology is everywhere (the classroom is not a building but rather infused into society)
-personalized to the individual


So what does this mean for education?

The Learning Process
First and foremost, students are engaged and active in their learning!  Here are some other changes that may result from Web 3.0:
-an increased use of video learning (Google+ Hangout, podcasts, YouTube, tutorials) that caters to the needs of the student
-personalized learning (geared towards the students abilities and areas of need - every student would have an IEP!)
-a "flipped" classroom approach (students would watch the lesson/lecture at home and then experience the hands-on learning portion in class)
-students can co-produce course materials (similar to the new FDK curriculum which is driven by student interest)
-more project-based learning (emphasis on critical thinking, questioning, inquiry, and the communication of results/learning)

The Assessment Process
With learning taking on a whole new form, you can be sure that assessment will have to follow suit.  One of the main differences that I envision would be the lack of an end to learning.  Consequently, it is hard to give a grade when the learning is constantly ongoing and projects don't have a determined end or due date.  Instead, learning would be a process that occurs not only throughout a school year, but constantly throughout the student's entire life.  How do we as educators assess this?  To be honest, I do not know.  That being said, I cannot wait and see what the future will hold!


  1. I have always found the notion of web 3.0 interesting. It is also what happens when we use the web to inform our decisions, rather then to just "participate" like in web 2.0. For instance, using the reviews and comments in movies, or to book a hotel, or to find the perfect book to read...web 3.0 is at play here. ;)

  2. Thanks for your comment! Where I wrote "personalized to the individual" I was referring to using the web as a personal service. Glad we agree :)
